Many PDF Editor support this. I recommend getting a application to do this because it tends to have features that you may need after you combine the multiple PDF into one. For example, you may need to delete some pages, organizing the pages, or adding a new page for a table of content.
Another popular OCR utility is Credit PDF Converter, however if you convert in the wrong format your output file is not good and even when you change the conversion from the original to the converted for the same file, you still see the error messages. The conversion is free. So, a free alternative you can try is OCR Studio from Acrobat/Macro media. PDF Tools Before getting PDF editing experience, you need to learn how to edit PDF correctly, the most common errors are not correcting it when necessary, and not using a PDF tool that's specifically designed to edit PDFs, some of the most common are: 1. Changing PDF to Word. When you want to edit a PDF, the most common error will happen when you try to change a PDF into Word. In many cases, the wrong file format is used and not the file format of the document, and hence it.