MS-DOS, XML, WOW, EXE, SP and BMP). Excel to EXE To .EXE — To-do Excel to EXE To XLS — To-do Excel to EXE To PDF — To-do Excel to Word — To-do Excel to XLSX — To-do Excel to XLSX To LSM — To-do Excel to XL — To-do If you like this post please LIKE/SHARE this article using social media, or you can also subscribe/unsubscribe via e-mail to get news updates, blog comments, news alerts. Just enter your contact information in the box on the right. Tested: Microsoft Excel V8.1 and XLSX VBA 2024 & 2024 or Windows 95 to Excel V1611. Please read my blog for more details of Microsoft Excel, Excel VBA, Microsoft XLS and Excel Spreadsheet in Excel VBA and Excel VBE.