Step 1: Upload Image.png. Click on “Upload” button in the “File” tab, and upload your image. Step 2: Choose the Format: PDF Step 3: Choose your Image Size Step 4: Choose your Page layout Step 5: Choose Save Format Step 6: Save As PDF in Google Chrome How do I get your PDF files? Why should I convert my images to PDF? I want to save a lot of space on my hard drive and print my document with any printer that supports PDF. Step 1: Click “Get your PDF files from this site”. Step 2: Choose whether you'd like to have the PDF files in an external file format : Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe PDF, OpenOffice Writer, and others Step 3: Choose your Format Step 4: Choose the format of your file, and save the file! If you're working with PDF files, check out our online tools to convert your PDF to JPEG, JPEG to PNG, and PDF to JPEG. Step 2: Upload Image.png. Click “Upload” button in the “File” tab, and upload your image. Step 3: Choose the Format: JPEG For Windows users, choose the option above (save in JPEG or save in any of the other available formats) to convert a .png to a .JPG file. If you have problems converting PNG images to GIF online — click the “Convert” button at the top right of the page, and you'll be taken to the image conversion screen. How to Convert PGN files to TIFF online? A file with a similar file name (i.e. tiff_bmp.tiff) is often used as a template for creating image files. The file contains a series of lines at a given height, width and position. You can create the image, use it to print and add an icon to the file. It can be used for a variety of applications including: Photo processing and illustration; Web design; graphic designers and website designers. TIFF image formats are: TIFF, TIFF PS, and BDF, and a set of TIFF compression codecs. You can print the image to see the output in a wide variety of display sizes. Image File Converter How to Convert JPEG and PNG files to PNG, PNG to BMP, BMP to JPG, and JPG to PNG.