Acrobat seems to have a problem with the PDF portfolio” being a file and is not accepting it as a separate file — when I “unzip to same location” the portfolio will be merged. Uncategorized Oct 23, 2025 — Hello everyone, I need to merge two PDFs into one. The reason I ask is that I want the merged PDF file to have a date on it of when I opened it. Does anyone have an idea what I should try. Also, does anyone know of any tutorials to help a person merge a PDF or how it might work if they are trying to combine a file Sept 20, 2025 — In my search for a tutorial I came upon this page . This is extremely helpful, and you should absolutely go through this page and make the edits you need to. Here are some things I think I need to do to get the merge to work: Remove all comments. This will make the merged document even easier to use. Make the combined PDF's date-stamped (at least a week's or even a month's old) Add a comment to the end to say “Done” I think this will save me a few hours of trial and error, so I can keep trying to get it to work. Thanks, -Mark P. — Adobe Support Community Oct 3, 2025 — I've finally got it to work! I'll explain the steps below: Go to File > Project Info. Add a new file. Change “Acrobat XML” file name to “new-file”. Create a new document in Acrobat, name it “new-file”. Attach and modify the first PDF. (This PDF will have all the data for the merged PDF.) Attach and modify the second PDF. Attach and modify the third PDF. Attach and modify the final PDF. Click Add, then Save as PDF. Make sure “Save As PDF Portfolio” is unselected. Select first, second and third PDFs. Save your document as…PDF portfolio. Please make sure “Save as PDF Portfolio” is selected. Sep 5, 2025 — I've finally figured out how to merge two PDF s, but I'm wondering if I should just use ConvertXPath to merge.